
Benefits of Sponsorship

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

Build brand awareness and visibility to achieve your business goals


Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership

Speak alongside sustainability trailblazers and tech experts


Make Connections

Make Connections

Connect with 500+ sustainable tech innovators and decision-makers


Continue the Conversation

Continue the Conversation

Become a member of the SUSTx business community


Lead Generation

Lead Generation

Generate new qualified leads before, during and post-event


Share Your Story

Share your Story

Whether its a customer success or sustainability story, let it be heard


Innovation on the Road to Net-Zero

Sponsorship Opportunities at SUSTx Tech

The SUSTx Technology Summit is a new event in the SUSTx Community connecting like-minded business leaders and sustainable technology experts.

Our SUSTx Sustainability Hub & Business Community boasts over 3000+ sustainability and business subscribers actively seeking expertise and solutions to help achieve their sustainability goals.

Lead the conversation. Provide expert guidance. Showcase your services, solutions and sustainability credentials. We have a package to help you achieve your business and brand objectives.

By being a part of the SUSTx Sustainability portfolio of events you will automatically become a founding member of our business community and achieve year-round engagement, lead generation and thought-leadership opportunities.


Companies In Attendance

Google logo
Pepsico logo
Network Rail logo
Reckitt  logo
Post Office logo
Enel Green Power logo
Oracle logo
Cabinet Office logo
PAM Group logo
Acer  logo
Redcliffe Capital logo
Nestle logo
BP logo
Wagstaff logo
Octopus Energy logo
Briggs and Forrester logo
Environment Agency logo

Audience Snapshot

Chief Executive Officer / CEO
Chief Sustainability Officer
Chief Technology Officer / CTO
Chief Innovation Officer
Heads of Sustainability
Head of Information Technology
Director, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change
Director Government Affairs and Sustainability
Head of Environment & Sustainability
Director of Sustainability
Head of Sustainability and Responsible Business
Head of Sustainable Investment
Head of Projects, Supply Chain, & Buildings
IT Director
Managing Director
Director of Assets and Climate Change
Head of CSR
Sustainable Business Partner

Sponsorship Packages

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

1 available. Top Sponsor of SUSTx Technology. Thought-leadership, advanced branding, Attendee data and more.

View Packages

Case Study Sponsor

Case Study Sponsor

Deliver an expert case-study and share your sustainability or customer success story.

View Packages

Panel Sponsor

Panel Sponsor

Join, host or mediate an expert panel. The choice is yours.

View Packages

Registration Sponsor

Registration Sponsor

Advanced branding, lead gen and showcase opportunities.

View Packages